Thursday, July 25, 2024

Early Recommendation

Ahead of its publication at the end of this month, Running with Pirates has received an early recommendation from Caroline Overington in The Weekend Australian's 'guide to great new books'. Overington writes,

Kari Gislason was just 18 when he first landed in Corfu. Who else remembers what it was like to be 18, adrift in the confusion of early adulthood, with all of life dauntingly ahead of you? Gislason takes a chance by deciding to stay after meeting a character he calls The Pirate. He eventually flees, but leaves a debt that, like all debts, will have to be acknowledged and paid one day. Today Gislason is a writer and Queensland University of Technology academic whose own children are entering the early years of adulthood, and he pines for the little boys they once were while admiring the men they are soon to become.

Agios Georgios, Corfu